The Six Attitudes of high Achievers 1. Make no small plans: Plan BIG what this quote is trying to say is to do not plan anything in your life small plan everything big. for example if you dream to become a millionaire dream big for you can accomplish your goals and be successful in life and do what you dream to do since you were a kid so dream big in life don't dream small because if you dream small you don't really try to put a lot a lot of time to accomplish your goals so just dream big for you can work your way to the top and be 2 . Do what they fear what this quote is trying to say do what they fear means do the right things to chose the right and don't do things that are bad and will get you in trouble there always going to be bad people in life that going to make u do bad things but if you the right thing they not going to like you and be scared of you because you always choosing the right and like haymore say be a CTR student ...